Thursday, May 25, 2017

3 Days Healthy Eating Challenge

“Eat Breakfast Like a King, Lunch Like a Prince, and Dinner Like a Pauper”. This is an old saying but how many of us actually follow them? Even I don’t, to be honest.

What does a clean eating means? It is a deceptively simple concept. To make it short and simple (maybe not so sweet, sorry), understandable, eating clean means a big NO to processed or junk food, deep fried chicken or fries, less sugar intake, more vegetables and fruits. Be sure your meals are high in protein, vitamins and fibre but also remember to take less carbs as overindulgence in carbs can cause weight gain and bloating.

We’ve been stepping out of healthy zone for a long time already as we’re driven by unhealthy midnight snacks and fast food outlets everywhere. Including myself, I’m not denying it but I do eat clean whenever possible. Being a student with limited $$$, I can’t do much. I am grateful that I was initiated by a friend of mine on Facebook to accept her challenge in #3daysfood4thought in order to spread health awareness of eating clean to keep ourselves healthy. So how did my three days go?

Day 1: Breakfast

Day 2: Lunch

Day 3: Dinner

I believe we are more likely to maintain our health if we eat this way all day, every day. And there’s a lot of research that backs this up, particularly on not skipping breakfast that has a positive effect on weight. It’s a valid advice. If you don’t skip breakfast, you will have all the nutrients and energy throughout your day. So you’re better off consuming more calories including extra protein in the morning and do not skip your breakfast! 

I made up my mind to post a meal of all three days and started with breakfast followed by lunch and teatime or dinner, you name it. There were plenty of you keen to know on those meals particularly on my second and third day meals. Here’s how:

Day 1: Boil eggs, scramble them with minced garlic (or a spoon of milk if you want) and spread them on your bread. Top it with sliced tomatoes, cabbage, cucumber or any other raw veggies that you like. Have your breakfast with milk as a great source of protein.

Day 2: Most of you were asking on pan seared chicken breast and mashed potatoes. It’s very simple actually. Use things that you have. Marinate chicken with herbs, soy sauce and a pinch of salt then using just one, I repeat JUST ONE spoon of oil to pan fry your chicken. It’s more like a grilling process so make sure your chicken is fully cooked. By the way, I just used a rice cooker so nothing is impossible you see. For the mashed potatoes, get potatoes peeled and bring it to a soft boil with salt added. Add on few spoons of milk and smash them until you get it the way you want it to be. I did not use butter, only milk. This might not be resulting as KFC’s mashed potatoes but it is way healthier. *winks*

Day 3: Simplest form of smoothie bowl made of mashed bananas (you may steam or blend bananas if you want it smoother), oats and milk. No sugar was added as bananas were already sweet enough. I had my smoothie bowl with rose buds tea (you can get rose buds at stores) as I wanted to make it a different kind of combo. Not bad, it was good anyway.

Besides feeling healthier, I had more energy as well throughout the day. By eating clean on time, I've learnt a lot on self discipline and consistency. This will boost your confidence level and interest in preparing meals too with more ideas. However, a research before starting any assignment would not harm, right? 

I hope I’ve provided ample of information here on eating clean and staying healthy. Let’s motivate each other and stay inspired. Food is life! And oh yes, don't forget to workout! 


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